Showing posts with label pocket pc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pocket pc. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

SMSSpaminator - Anti-Spam for Mobile Devices - Arnie, gives it Two Guns up!

Release of SMSSpaminator v. 3.00 August 23, 2010
SMSSpaminator - Anti-Spam for Mobile Devices - Arnie, gives it Two Guns up!

August 23, 2010

MobileTimes announces the release of its Spam removal Sentinel SMSSpaminator for Windows-based Mobile Devices.

  • Have you ever grown tired of Spam cluttering your Mobile Devices' SMS/MMS/E-Mail Inbox?
  • Do you maintain and access multiple E-mail accounts from different providers on the same mobile device?
  • Are you annoyed by the quality of online anti-spam services?
  • Are you tired of waiting around until your Anti-Spam request is serviced?Bulleted List
  • Did you ever try to change the spam setting for e-mail messages you've received, which were incorrectly identified as spam?
  • Are you a victim of SMS/E-Mail-mobbing, or cyber-bullying?
  • Is someone actually stalking you by continuously sending unwanted messages?

If any of the above holds true for you, you should continue reading.

To decide what is Spam, is best decided by just one: YOU!

SMSSpaminator removes these pesky and annoying messages with a click of a button. This little Sentinel monitors all incoming messages and keeps out those messages which you deem inappropriate (Out of sight, out of mind!). Messages identified as Spam are automatically moved to a special Spam folder and out of your InBox. Even better, you can now apply the same spam rules uniformly to all your accounts with just a couple of mouse clicks. If you receive messages from multiple e-mail accounts (different service providers), there is no longer a need to visit each provider to report a message as spam!

The moment you receive a message, which you find objectionable, simply click on the tool. Locate the message in question and click to create a new Spam rule. Filter based on Sender Id or Message Content (uses pattern recognition).

Use the Automated SMS Answering Service to send a custom response to every received SMS.

A Multi-Lingual User Interface to over 140 languages is available.

For added power, combine this handy little utility with MobileTimes' advanced search tool FindUs!

Support exists for Windows Mobile 5.0 & 6.x (6.0, 6.1, & 6.5) for the PocketPC/Professional and SmartPhone/Standrad platforms. Released as shareware.

Direct Download:

All Platforms/Devices:

WM6 Professional Edition (6.0, 6.1 & 6.5):

WM6 Standard Edition (6.0, 6.1 & 6.5):

WM5 PocketPC Edition:

WM5 SmartPhone Edition:

For More Information Contact:

